IT-Expert on Call

IT-Expert on Call

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk.

Where INTERNET Security is in constant FOCUS

Cost of Service

Terms of Service

Our initial consultation session will cost you $300.00 minimum where we need to make a comprehensive assessment to properly determine the scope of the work needed. For consultation sessions where travel exceeds 66 kilometers please request a quotation. Once we understand what you have in mind we'll come up with some numbers for you to work with.

For all our clients, a fixed rate Service Level Agreement [SLA, 12 months minimum] is available upon request. Our hourly rate varies depending on the nature of the work performed during our normal business hours — Monday through Friday — from 8:00am to 5:00pm. Service requests made outside of our normal business hours, or on Statutory Holidays, or of an URGENT nature will incur an additional 100% premium added to your service invoice.

Some examples of our current Service Rates:    
Activity Hourly Rate Incident Rate
Troubleshooting and Diagnostic Service via On-Site visit. $90   
Troubleshooting Help Desk Support via Telephone  [Terms of Telephone Service] $90   
Troubleshooting Help Desk Support via e-mail  [Terms of e-mail Service]   $70
Installation & Configuration service $125  
VPN L2TP-IPsec Configuration service $225  
How-to Application support service: step-by-step examples that may include tips for using a variety of features available in your individual productivity suite of applications $75  
On-Site Training service: Get the most efficient use and enjoyment out of your PC. Receive training in the comfort of your own office or home one lesson at a time on the topics that are important to you! $65  
Data extraction/recovery and archive service $75  
Data migration and Integration service $75  
Data Cleaning and Sanitizing service for decommissioned computers
using the DOD 5220 22 M standard for cleaning and sanitizing
Procurement Service: On a *Pass-Through basis, Product's and/or Part's purchased [and pre-tested in our lab] in support of installation and configuration service $75  
Technical Documentation [i.e: How-to guides] $75  
Website Design, Construction & Deployment $175  
Consulting-ad hock $125  
Consulting-Security [Intrusion Prevention] $225  

For on-site Support and Training engagements a minimum of $60 trip fee will be added to your Invoice. [more info] 

*Pass-Through basis: Where IT-Expert on Call purchases products [and or services] on your behalf and passes the respective costs charged by the vendors [as per invoice or receipts provided] to you for reimbursement.

An incident is defined as one single question or issue that cannot be divided into separate problems. If in our sole discretion we determine that a support request comprises multiple incidents, we will notify you and you may decide whether to pursue some, all, or none of them.

Decide what you need and » e-mail us «  about what you'd like us to do.
We would be delighted to help you decide what you need and what you'd like us to do based on a on-site consultation session.