IT-Expert on Call

IT-Expert on Call

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk.

Where INTERNET Security is in constant FOCUS

Privacy & Security

Are you aware of all the different ways that private and potentially sensitive data [such as email, credit card numbers, family data, etc.] can be seen by people you don't knowor trust? IT-Expert on Call can do a security assessment of your network, applications, settings, and habits, and recommend ways to keep your private data private, while still getting the benefits of networking and Internet access. As part of our standard services, we can set up a Unified Threat Management [UTM] gateway to help protect your network against outside intruders.

Privacy/Security services:

Unified Threat Management [UTM] is a comprehensive solution that has recently emerged in the network security industry and since 2004, has gained widespread currency as a primary network gateway defense solution for organizations. It is the evolution of the traditional firewall into an all-inclusive security product that has the ability to perform multiple security functions in one single appliance: network firewalling, network intrusion prevention and gateway antivirus (AV), gateway anti-spam, VPN, content filtering, load balancing and on-appliance reporting.

Decide what you need and » e-mail us «  about what you'd like us to do.
We would be delighted to help you decide what you need and what you'd like us to do based on a on-site consultation session.