IT-Expert on Call

(613) 828-6611

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk

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How are Trip fee charges calculated?

For on-site service calls IT-Expert on Call calculates the distance traveled from our point of embarkation to your location by using Bing Maps Directions Internet service

For on-site support calls a minimum charge of $60 will be added to your nvoice. If the total distance traveled to your location is greater than 40 kilometers please request a quote.

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IT-Expert on Call Professionals are ready willing and able to expertly deploy it for you

IT-Expert on Call does not maintain a staffed storefront office
All access to our resources is by appointment only made either by
Phone (613) 828-6611 or (613) 762-8018 or  » e-mail us « 

Based in Nepean, Ontario, Canada servicing the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton plus we offer remote services within Canada and the Continental U.S.A where broadband internet service is available.

Updated Wednesday 4 May, 2022 10:14 PM
Webmaster: David Mozer