IT-Expert on Call

IT-Expert on Call

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk.

Where INTERNET Security is in constant FOCUS


For any business, regardless of size, having a web site and an e-mail address is essential. The World Wide Web is the fastest growing advertising medium ever conceived. A web site is an invaluable tool to provide others with your company's information [goods and services] at the click of a mouse. Online communication has become as important as having a business card or phone number.

Your e-commerce website provides your business with 24/7 advertising, 365 days a year. IT-Expert on Call can provide a complete e-commerce solution that includes automated shopping carts where your prospective customers [anywhere, regardless of borders] can purchase multiple items with a single payment, browse your entire selection, and view a consolidated list of all their items before purchasing.

And our e-commerce solution can also incorporate Subscription Services and Recurring Payments for a host of offerings like:

  • Content site subscriptions
  • Newsletter fees
  • Club dues
  • Recurring donations
  • Many other types of subscription offerings
  • Concert or Event Tickets
  • Specialty Forums
  • Fee-based support services
  • Apartment Rental Payments 
  • House Rental Payments

Our PayPal Shopping Cart, Subscriptions and Recurring Payments implementation, is a low-cost way for you to accept credit card and bank account payments securely, all of which can be fully integrated with youre-commerce website.

Decide what you need and » e-mail us «  about what you'd like us to do.
We would be delighted to help you decide what you need and what you'd like us to do based on a on-site consultation session.