IT-Expert on Call

IT-Expert on Call

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk.

Where INTERNET Security is in constant FOCUS

Computer Backup

Bringing Data Back From the Dead

Are your digital photos sitting on a single hard drive with no backup? Your financial records? Even at home, there is critical data you wouldn't want to lose when a hard drive fails or a virus [or wayward child] deletes your files.

IT-Expert on Call can help you figure out a convenient and effective way to protect your data by making redundant copies of it either on other computers or offline media such as CD|DVD, external hard drive or tape.

In many cases automated processes can be created that require very little attention or maintenance.

IT-Expert on Call Data Backup services:

Decide what you need and » e-mail us «  about what you'd like us to do.
We would be delighted to help you decide what you need and what you'd like us to do based on a on-site consultation session.