IT-Expert on Call

(613) 828-6611

Experience has no substitute
Inexperience carries significant cost and risk

Why Special Purpose Network?

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15sf Network System

  1. Superior Internet Experience
  2. Superior Internet Security
  3. Superior User Experience with
    • Gaming - XBOX, PlayStation
    • Streaming - Netflix, YouTube, Hulu
    • VoIP - up to 5 lines including Fax
    • Banking, Shopping, Web Surfing etc.
  4. Superior Wireless Networking
  5. Superior Wired Networking


Network SEPARATION - otherwise known as - network segmentation - in computer networking is the act of splitting a computer network into subnetworks, each being a network segment. Advantages of such splitting are primarily for boosting performance and improving security

Improve network performance and speed

Subnetting or VLAN's enables us to ensure that information remains in the subnet or VLAN network or broadcast domain, which allows other subnets or VLAN's to maximize their speed and effectiveness. Subnetting or VLANing also divides your network’s broadcast domains, enabling you to better control traffic flow, thus increasing network performance.

Because we limit the number of devices on your subnet or VLAN based on their specific function like Gaming or VoIP, Video Streaming etc. along with controlling the traffic flow between subnets or VLAN's -- by doing this we can significantly improve your network’s speed and performance.

Reduce network congestion

Subnetting or VLANing ensures that traffic destined for a device within a subnet or VLAN stays in that subnet or VLAN, which reduces congestion. Through strategic placement of subnets, we can help reduce your network’s load and more efficiently route traffic.

So, what happens to a network with no subnets? Every computer would see broadcast packets from all the computers and servers on the network, resulting in the switches having to move all that traffic to the appropriate ports. This leads to increased congestion, reduced network performance, and slower response times.

However, using a router to move traffic between subnets or VLAN's results in no broadcast traffic or any information that doesn’t need to be routed being moved to other subnets or VLAN's. Because the amount of traffic within each subnet or VLAN is reduced, the speed of each subnet or VLAN is increased, which eases network congestion

Increases Security Options

Most network security Routers work by evaluating traffic between networks. By putting sensitive resources on the same subnet or VLAN as every other user, you make it more difficult to deploy security measures. Separating vital functions into subnets or VLAN's allows us to deploy security measures such as firewalls and Access Control Lists. Firewalls can be configured to ensure that only authorized hosts or other subnets or VLAN's gain access to specific resources like printers, servers, NAS devices , cameras as well as other networks or users.

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15sf Network System

Decide what you need and » e-mail us «  about what you'd like us to do
We would be delighted to help you decide what you need and what you'd like us to do based on a on-site consultation session

IT-Expert on Call Professionals are ready willing and able to expertly deploy it for you

IT-Expert on Call does not maintain a staffed storefront office
All access to our resources is by appointment only made either by
Phone (613) 828-6611 or (613) 762-8018 or  » e-mail us « 

Based in Nepean, Ontario, Canada servicing the Regional Municipality of Ottawa-Carleton plus we offer remote services within Canada and the Continental U.S.A where broadband internet service is available.

Updated Wednesday 17 January, 2018 11:08 AM
Webmaster: David Mozer